
Monday, August 30, 2010

Anne with an E

Anne of Green Gables was my most favourite movie as a girl. I watched it over and over and over! So when I saw that Pip of Meet Me at Mikes is hosting a book club and that one of the books selected is Anne of Green Gables I knew I just had to join. So if you are like me and ahven't read a book in a while (crafting and kids tend to take my reading time away!) or if you just love Anne then why not join me and all the other readers and enjoy a good book!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

These are a few of my favourite things…

Oliver & S Jump rope dressSew Mama Sew is having a sew along in September. This one has been on my list (you know, the never ending one that grows at a faster rate than I can do them!) for a long time…might be time to make one…or two or three!


Lelli Kelli Shoes – Oh how my girls would adore a pair of these…I think the little girl in me would too!


LisaK Photography – Lisa recently took our photos and we LOVE the results! I must admit that I still haven’t chosen the photos that we want to keep…it is too hard! I want them all! Hopefully once we have chosen and received our digital negatives I can share a few of them here with you.