
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

See you when we get there...

Tomorrow is the day...or at least it is supposed to be the day! The people buying our house have had some hold ups and it looks like their finance, although approved, will not be ready for tomorrow! Anyone out there looking to buy, DON'T go through a broker! Do the research yourself and apply yourself. it is faster and less mucking around!!

Anyway, we are still hoping that there will be some sort of miracle and it will go through tomorrow but otherwise it will be Friday. Movers are coming tomorrow regardless so we will possibly be staying with my dad until it is all sorted. Not really what we wanted and not all that easy with 2 little ones. BUT we will get there (just trying to convince myself!)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our New Home

The countdown is on and the boxes are being packed. The girls don't have much room to play at the moment as the lounge is stacked high with boxes but I don't feel too sorry for them as very soon they will have their own playroom/rumpus! It seems to have taken ages to get from first going to see the house to moving in and I suppose it has been a while. We first saw it in early January and fell in love! It really is our dream home. It still has a little work to be done on it but all in all it is what we want. 4 bedroom home with rumpus on 5 acres, a huge established vegetable garden, reclaimed timber flooring, huge kitchen with walk in pantry....and lots more too.

7 days until moving day!!

Here it is...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Beanie in action.

Just as the title says here are some photos of the beanie in action! Elsa was being much more co-operative today!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pay it Forward

I have just signed up for 'pay it forward' on the lovely Ruth's blog.

Here is how it goes...

I will send a handmade or crafty gift to the first 3 people to leave comments on this post. It wont be tomorrow, maybe not next month, but I promise that it will be in the next 365 days. In return, they have to pay it forward (ie, send something nice!) to 3 more people.

Now doesn't that sound like a nice idea!Oh and this is my lovely Magic Yarn Ball from Vanessa (Monsoon Designs) It is being knitted into a lovely shawl!