
Friday, September 26, 2008

sorry... all my readers for being away for so long. Yes it was one of those times where you say that 'life got on top of you'. I don't want to make excuses (but I am going to!) we have all been sick but are better now.

Also... all the people taking part in the vintage sheet FQ swap. I am very late with it all but it is all sorted now and they are on their way. I just hope each of you get something that you love and that inspires you to create! Photos have been taken and a post is on it's way!

1. Sorry .... :(


  1. Goodness, no need to be sorry at all. I glad to hear you are all feeling better now. I know exactly how you feel - we spent almost 4 weeks with illness in the house (and 2 weeks sick myself) and it just knocked me on my bum. I feel like I'm only just starting to catch up now! Take your time, and don't worry about us. We've all been there! XX

  2. I'm glad you're all feeling better. No need for apologies - I'm sure the FQ's will be well worth waiting for. Can't wait to see some snaps of your new craft space in your new house too ;-) (hint, hint....)
