
Friday, October 24, 2008

Green fingers...

Although I have been out in the garden a bit lately this post is not about gardening it is about dying yarn and the colourful fingers that often result. I used to be ultra careful to not get any dye on my hands with gloves and newspaper everywhere but with the little time I find to do these things lately it is easier to just get the colourful fingers and let it wear off. It is only food colouring and it is slightly amusing to see Miss E running around trying to find a 'washee!!!!!' to clean my hands only to discover however much she scrubs it won't come off!

Here are the results of my lastest dye up!


  1. What gorgeous colours, can't wait to see it knitted up.

  2. i wanted to ask you had that wip gadget on your sidebar? please let me know. i love your blog. i've found a lot of tutorials from you. thank you for that list!

  3. Oh they make me think of lollies and carnivals - such fun happy colours.

  4. they are the most gorgeous colours

  5. Oh yum yum yum!! They are just delicious!

  6. Oh yum yum yum!! They are just delicious!

  7. Gorgeous colours - your dyeing is very clever!

  8. does anyone here know how to get that WIP gadget to track progess on your projects?

  9. Absolutely gorgeous!!! I wish I could knit or crochet, hand dyed yarn is always so scrumptious!

    And, I have a blog award for you:
