
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Our New Home

The countdown is on and the boxes are being packed. The girls don't have much room to play at the moment as the lounge is stacked high with boxes but I don't feel too sorry for them as very soon they will have their own playroom/rumpus! It seems to have taken ages to get from first going to see the house to moving in and I suppose it has been a while. We first saw it in early January and fell in love! It really is our dream home. It still has a little work to be done on it but all in all it is what we want. 4 bedroom home with rumpus on 5 acres, a huge established vegetable garden, reclaimed timber flooring, huge kitchen with walk in pantry....and lots more too.

7 days until moving day!!

Here it is...


  1. Oh your new house looks lovely and the room inside is very cheerful and light: happy moving!!

  2. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your new house is gorgeous! Congrats.

  3. How beautiful! I am totally envious of your new home, lol! What a great place!
